
Wednesday, May 6

Easter During A Pandemic

We had a great Easter although we were stuck at home and didn't get to go to church or spend time with our families. We tried to keep things as normal as possible for the girls. We surprised them with Easter baskets (so glad I finished those months before!! Horray for my crazy over preparedness!) and we did an Easter egg hunt around our house and backyard. It was lots of fun! Both grandparents came to drop off more goodies and say hello from outside too. We didn't get to enjoy our two church services or eat my moms delicious Easter lunch, or visit with Adams family... but we had each other and we still had a great weekend. Now we have chocolate to last us till Christmas haha! I hope everyone had a great Easter too! I wasn't going to post these pictures here because Easter was a while ago, but I thought it would be really nice to have them here on this platform anyway. xoxo Georgina

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