
Monday, April 20

Starting Our Garden!










So, a couple of weeks ago on a nice sunny day Sophie and I spent some time outside potting our flowers seed. This is the first year that I am going to stay my seeds indoors and early! Zinnias are my favourite and are sooo easy to grow! I usually just throw them in my front garden bed in mid May an they seem to do just fine  on their own. This year we will start them in doors in their own little pots, and then we will move them outdoors around mis May, when there's no more chance of frost. It's so exciting to watch them grow!! Along with zinnias we also got some poppy's, portulaca and dahlia's. All seem to be doing well so far. Our neighbours shared some herb sprouts with us as well, but I think I'll wait till May to start those outdoors.
It was definitely a learning experience for Sophie and she is very excited watching them grow! She loved picking little flower bunches last year, so she'll love it even more this year I'm sure!!
I hope everyone is getting excited for all the new growth in nature like I am! It is truly a magical time of year when everything comes back to life and there's just so much more colour in the world. I can't wait to go back to the park and walk past everyone's beautiful garden beds! xoxo Georgina

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