
Saturday, October 7

Springridge Farm

Today we met some friends at Springridge Farm to do some autumn activities. If you live around the area it's definitely a must go with or without kids! The kids park is a lot of fun though!! We played, went down tube slides, got a bit wet..., climbed a hill to a look out point, went on a tractor ride and walked through a corn maze. Oh and also ate huge hotdogs and picked out little pumpkins!
It was a pretty perfect day, other than the little bit of a drizzle that came down as soon as we got there, but it didn't last long.
Making these memories with Sophie is the BEST, even if she doesn't really remember when she's older I take lots of photos that I can show her!
I hope everyone is having a great Thanksgiving long weekend with your family and friends. Tomorrow we eat turkey at Meme and Pepe's and I can't wait!!! xoxo Georgina

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